A 20-minute treatment with the Fotona Spectro SP laser is enough to free yourself from urinary incontinence
A 20-minute treatment with the Fotona Spectro SP laser is enough to free yourself from urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence means loss of bladder control. This problem mainly affects women, and its probability increases with age – it is 25% after the age of 14, 50% after the age of 40 and 75% after the age of 75. Unfortunately, half of the women with urinary incontinence do not admit it to anyone, not even their doctor. Urinary incontinence is nothing to be ashamed of, it is worth getting rid of it, especially since there is an effective antidote. We invite you to read.
Types and symptoms of urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence falls into three main categories. A brief description of each of them will be presented in the following sections.
- Stress incontinence. It most often occurs during a specific type of physical activity – for example, during exercise, sneezing, coughing or laughing. These activities put stress on the weakened pelvic floor muscles that hold urine in the bladder, causing it to leak out uncontrollably.
- Urgency incontinence (overactive bladder syndrome). It occurs when the bladder contracts too quickly and too violently. In this case, there is a sudden and strong urge to urinate. Bladder control is often lost before he reaches the toilet.
- Overflow bladder incontinence. The last type is associated with incomplete emptying of the bladder during urination. In this case, it is the inability to urinate to the end that causes the bladder to stretch and leak urine.
Causes of urinary incontinence in women
As the bladder fills with urine, the muscles in the bladder should relax. Once the bladder is full, it should send a signal to the brain that it’s time to urinate. In turn, the muscles in and around the bladder should keep the urine in the bladder until you reach the toilet. Urinary incontinence is most commonly caused when the muscles associated with the bladder are too weak. Less often, the problem is nerve damage, so the brain does not receive a signal that it is time to go to the toilet.
Types and symptoms of urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence falls into three main categories. A brief description of each of them will be presented in the following sections.
1. Stress incontinence
It most often occurs during a specific type of physical activity – for example, during exercise, sneezing, coughing or laughing. These activities put stress on the weakened pelvic floor muscles that hold urine in the bladder, causing it to leak out uncontrollably.
2. Urgency incontinence (overactive bladder syndrome)
It occurs when the bladder contracts too quickly and too violently. In this case, there is a sudden and strong urge to urinate. Bladder control is often lost before he reaches the toilet.
3. Overflow bladder incontinence
The last type is associated with incomplete emptying of the bladder during urination. In this case, it is the inability to urinate to the end that causes the bladder to stretch and leak urine.
Causes of urinary incontinence in women
As the bladder fills with urine, the muscles in the bladder should relax. Once the bladder is full, it should send a signal to the brain that it’s time to urinate. In turn, the muscles in and around the bladder should keep the urine in the bladder until you reach the toilet. Urinary incontinence is most commonly caused when the muscles associated with the bladder are too weak. Less often, the problem is nerve damage, so the brain does not receive a signal that it is time to go to the toilet.
Urinary incontinence is most common in women due to:
- pregnancy,
- natural childbirth,
- old age,
- menopause,
- obesity,
- urinary tract infection,
- chronic cough,
- constipation,
- urinary obstruction,
- pelvic floor injury,
- surgical removal of the uterus,
- diseases that damage the nerves, such as multiple sclerosis,
- Parkinson’s disease or stroke
- anatomical problems of the urinary tract.
Standard methods of treating urinary incontinence
The choice of a specific method of treatment depends on the cause of the ailment that afflicts the patient. Kegel exercises are the basis of stress urinary incontinence therapy. Unfortunately, pelvic floor physiotherapy requires a lot of commitment from the Patient, because the exercises should be performed 6 to even 10 times a day for 5 minutes in various positions, i.e. lying, sitting and standing, which may be impossible to reconcile with everyday duties. What’s more, in scientific studies, 45% of women with stress urinary incontinence did not experience any improvement after using Kegel exercises. An alternative to Kegel muscle exercises is surgical treatment, which, despite its high effectiveness, is an invasive procedure, involving hospital stay, rehabilitation and the risk of complications.
For other types of incontinence, behavioral therapy, pelvic floor muscle training, medication, diet, and exercise are used to help.
The choice of a specific method of treatment depends on the cause of the ailment that afflicts the patient. Kegel exercises are the basis of stress urinary incontinence therapy. Unfortunately, pelvic floor physiotherapy requires a lot of commitment from the Patient, because the exercises should be performed 6 to even 10 times a day for 5 minutes in various positions, i.e. lying, sitting and standing, which may be impossible to reconcile with everyday duties. What’s more, in scientific studies, 45% of women with stress urinary incontinence did not experience any improvement after using Kegel exercises. An alternative to Kegel muscle exercises is surgical treatment, which, despite its high effectiveness, is an invasive procedure, involving hospital stay, rehabilitation and the risk of complications.
For other types of incontinence, behavioral therapy, pelvic floor muscle training, medication, diet, and exercise are used to help.
The Fotona Spectro SP laser effectively treats urinary incontinence
Fotona Spectro SP is a laser that enables non-invasive elimination of stress urinary incontinence and quick return to normal activity. In turn, thanks to the disinfecting properties, the risk of infection is minimized.
How does the Fotona Spectro SP laser treatment work?
The treatment strengthens the vaginal wall, thanks to which urine remains in the bladder even despite physical exertion or filling.
Who will benefit most from Fotona Spectro SP laser treatment?
Treatment works best for mild to moderate stress incontinence, with very good results in those with severe stress incontinence.
How long does the procedure take and how many sessions are needed
The full effects occur after just one 20-minute session, which is as fast as possible.
How long do the effects last after the treatment
According to scientific studies, a year after the procedure, a significant improvement is maintained in 77% of women with stress urinary incontinence, thanks to which the need for inserts, surgery, medication or regular exercise disappears.
When standard methods of urinary incontinence treatment turn out to be too burdensome or ineffective, the Fotona Spectro SP laser treatment will prove to be helpful. One 20-minute session is enough to get rid of urinary incontinence once and for all.
[1] Rechberger T. Non-surgical management of urinary incontinence – ACP recommendations https://www.mp.pl/ginekologia/wytyczne/inne/108511,postepowanie-nieoperacyjne-w-nietrzymaniu-moczu-rekomendacje-acp
[2] Drabczyk R. Urinary incontinence – surgical treatment https://www.mp.pl/pacjent/nefrologia/lista/66667,nietrzymanie-moczu-leczenie-chirurgiczne
[3] Sencar S. Dynamis Laser Overview. https://www.fotona.com/media/documents/aesthetics/94437_ce_eng_v7_fotona_dynamis_brochure_march_17_web.pdf